
LoVe-StRucK ♥

Every night, I lie down in my cold bed,
silence creeps in through the door,
every noise subsides,                            
A string of thoughts entangle me,
A war rages inside me,

If it's not love, what is?

In the same yard, we grew up together
playing hide and seek, wiping dust
off each other's clothes,
Best friend, you were to me,
Our petty fights, the sappy arguments,
Us laughing out each little pile of problems
still holding on to each other
till the very end.

But lately, I'm in knots.
Not keeping the track of time or my emotions.
I'm falling and I know,
deeper into the realms of love?
No longer, do I think of me but you.

Was I struck by the cupid?                                                              
Was I drowning in the ocean of love,
The look of your brown-eyes
the touch of your hands,
lure my heart to surrender.
Was it your victory or my defeat?
Every now and then, I let
my mind drift away
dreaming all that we could be,
The feeling, so comforting,
so mesmerizing and yet so stirring.

The stars glimmer brighter, the moon - bigger.                                     
And In my bed, i lay restless, uneasy
for I know that I would wake up tomorrow to see
the smile that gets my heart to skip a beat.
And with your gaze stuck on mine,
I yearn to say "I love you"
But that can wait,
I keep wishing along !


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