

It feels like ages since I wrote my last blog post. I guess I fell victim to indolence and timely mind numbness. A lot has changed since then. I am back in Hyderabad which is the best Indian city to live in according to the reputed "The Economic Times" and this place just keeps getting more crowded each time. The skyscrapers with their queer brilliance and the delicious delicacies of the dhabas that run the side of streets. The huge malls which make me feel tiny and the road traffic pumping in and out all day. There is this thing about big cities, always busy with people bustling about and rushing to nowhere significant. You just do not go with the flow, infact you are pushed, juggled and rocked side to side before you make it to the desired destination. You come across people so filthy rich  dining, shopping and drinking their youth away and in contrast, those poor lads at bus stations and streets begging and pleading with you for food or money. When the corpulence and the thinness do not fit the beautiful clothes hanging by the spacious malls. And every time I walk these streets, my gaze is glued to the fancy cars speeding the roads and I find it amazing how people strive and sweat it to finally be able to buy their favorite car. Now and then, I hear stories about people quitting their monotonous jobs chasing their big dream and becoming a billionaire. Then I slip into quiet and contemplate on all the things that have changed.

Often do I fall into a reverie wishing for the cheap thrills with buddies during hostel and college days. How the word "Jugaad" became the tagline of my life and everything was taken care of since then. How a single chocolate bar was shared among 5 people, how golgappas were the cheapest favorite snack and everything could be borrowed instead of being bought. How our pocket money was never enough for the food cravings that knew no bounds. And those midnight blues when every taylor swift fan joined the chorus to either diss their exes or newly found crush. Weekends were desperately looked forward to because every girl competed to buy the most ravishing clothes at the cheapest  prices, this happened every freaking saturday! Some saturdays would turn into sleepovers and others into movie nights. Oh god! Those were the days :D I got carried away, hehe.

And now it is all over, I feel a bit clueless, like I am thrown into some other planet. These city lights blind me sometimes. Everything feels a bit congested and I find myself digging up a pit so that I can doze off in it and wake up when it is all over. This change is a bit overwhelming, more like, intimidating. And when I ask for advice, it will be pouring from all sides and I am dumbstruck, like a lost puppy. They say change is inevitable and yet that familiar warmth of my bed, that similar taste of my tea every morning, the look of their face always inviting haunt me out of blue. I guess I need to find my jam, my thing and some new people who are as crazy, silly and eccentric as I am. I hope this city will feel like home again real soon.
I am going to put a stop to my rants now. I feel hungry, need to take a shower and have lunch. Signing out, See you soon, guys :D

Funky and Flaky,


  1. Welcome back!
    Keep your thoughts open and the city will embrace you :')

  2. @Partha
    Thanks buddy! :)

    I try to share my opinions and stuff, but then I also get these crazy thoughts that I should keep to myself, I feel :P


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