
The Song

There I sat in a coffee shop
taking my last sip of the heavenly potion,
When it played in the background -
the song,
once again was I fenced
with indelible memories of you.
the melody so recognizable,
for it had played in my mind
when you had first put your lips
on mine,
the rhythm of my heartbeat
was the same,
every second had spelled Bliss.
Those summer evenings spent with you
had brought me closer to
the definition of Love,
So pure and innocent.
Even through the deadliest silence
I could hear the sound
of your voice
whispering "I love you".
Your words would strike a symphony
forever embedded in my mind,
and penned down in my diary
from which, egressed to offer lyrics
to the song that played
in the background,
I remember how you would say
"This is our song"
This was not our song
but our love story
which ran out of LOVE.


  1. mandy: excellent,..and extremely poignant!

  2. nd mika change the name of ur present city...muhahaha..:D -mandy


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