
!Exam Tension!

Exams <--I wish they would have never come into existence. Since they've arrived on this earth, we've been pushed into that pit of suffering. This particular word is good enough to give us goosebumps! Exams and then the dreadul results, Sometimes I feel our lives have been reduced to only these two words.

I think class tests are better than those backbreaking exams when we are forced to wake up early to finish our preparation for exams. Exam days are really tiring. We cannot go out, play freely or watch new movies during exams. I mostly do well in exams but I really don't like the idea of getting up early in the morning or sleeping late at night just to m
ake sure that I get good grades. Sometimes it's just the capacity of a child, how much he can remember or how faster he grasps the lessons. So It's not fair to judge a child on the basis of his grades. Performing well in Academics is important but what is more important is the inner development of a child, his perception of the world, sense of logic and his creativity. I try hard to recall who do i really consider my favourite teacher in my school. But finally I know that I've learnt most of the things by observing the things around me and therefore I agree that observation is the best teacher. Life can also be a good teacher if you really want to learn from it and find the answers to it's questions.

But exams, I'm truly fed up of them. The no. of exams I've given infact we've given is uncountable. Besides pressure from the teachers and parents sometimes worsen our life. If we don't perform well in one exam, people assure that we'll do better in next but will this series exams ever come to an end!? As long as we do quite well in exams, everyone's happy but as our grades begin to fall, parents put more restrictions on our leisure activites. I don't know why parents and teachers expect so much from us despite knowing that we are not old enough to carry their burden of great expectations. Failure is a part of life and there's nothing wrong in making mistakes, still they want us to be perfect, Do everything right. But even we have a little world of our own, comprising friends, dreams, music, dance and fun. We cannot
become someone who we are not. We love to be ourselves.
After all everyone is unique. So I'm really against exams which make our life miserable.


  1. I agree. But, with the kind of competition existing, its impossible to transparently select the best without coming down to marks. :-<

  2. Really appresiative thoughts you have


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