
♣ How I Decorated my WALL ♣

It had been so long since my wall looked empty, pale and weary. So I made up my mind and splashed my creativity on it to make it look less boring and I swear it was a lot of fun.
The portrait(can't really say) done with oil pastels on left is that of Cameron Diaz. Now do not judge this art because it was not supposed to look exactly like her. It is more of an abstract portrait made in just 20 minutes. Those two butterflies above it, look pretty, don't they? Those I made with the help of a video on Youtube. Youtube is my latest obsession these days.. With the super fast wifi, it is like my dream come true - watching videos on youtube without long bugging buffering. To its right, you can see a color printout of Avril Lavigne in my favorite pose. I had been looking out for big flashy posters but then dropped the idea because I was too lazy to look for that particular shop where they sell them. That could take up the whole wall as well.

Below it, is a quote on God. And my belief that he exists and will guide me in some or the other way to success and happiness in life.That tree in the centre is a demonstration that I do not suck at painting stuff. But I also used a bit of crayons to even it out. So I better stop bragging about it. I just needed something colorful to go with my wall and the tree seemed to be the easiest. To its right, is some funny quote/saying(whatever you can call it) to show the diversity in my thoughts though it is copied. Below the painting is another quote on love which I quite liked when I first read it on google. Love will always be the sweetest part of our lives so I guessed it should be a part of my wall too. And in the left, you can see a quote on life, cut out from black chart paper. It took me 45 minutes to cut out delicately each letter. It must have taken me 40 minutes, I guess. 

To its left, adjacent to it is a paper cut-out done beautifully by my friends and we had used that thingy for the Hostel freshers' but I managed to steal one for my room after the party was over. That thingy reminds me of my childhood, how I would play with one of those similar looking stuff running around like a mad man through the wind just to watch that thingy swirl. Then there is Taylor swift in the color printout (Bad quality, though) from the song "Love Story". I still remember what a big hit it was. Girls at my school couldn't stop singing it loudly in chorus and my friend had begged me ten times to watch its video. And the dress that she wore in the video was splendid. Taylor Swift and her fairy tales. In the extreme left, you can see another quote which is by Bob Moore to inspire me everyday. Because life is all about falls and rising up. This one will certainly keep me motivated. And small cut outs of a basketball and an apple complete my wall, I guess. Basketball is what I love and the apple looked appealing. So it took me two days to get over with this wall decoration task. Hope it doesn't look bad but I have given my audience pretty much to read when they pay a visit to my room :)

Cute and Quirky,


  1. This actually made me smile. Not just the thought, but the effort too. :$

  2. I was actually waiting for you to see this post :D


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