
♣ A LETTER to Me ♣

Farewell to another year, 2013. It has taught me a zillion stuff. How everything had seemed to work out yet fell out of place right in the end. Some friendships were temporary and I felt closer to strangers at times. I learnt that participation was more important than winning a competition 'cause it reflected the hidden potential and jerked the competitor in me. I cannot control everything that happens in my life. Sometimes I have to let it be, let things run their course. Crushes and heartbreaks are a part of life. I learnt that I cannot please everyone and be everyone's favorite, that happiness could be found in little things like that special song in my playlist, that old letter my bestie wrote to me when I left the school or listening to my favorite dialogues from a movie. And sharing happiness was as easy as sharing a chocolate with my roommates. It is more fun doing things together than doing them alone like watching a horror movie with friends. Being nice to cruel people was not necessary. Getting a haircut is not always a bad idea and I look prettier with all my teeth showing in the picture. Some days made me feel like a hero and some made me feel like a lost and lonely kid. Drifting apart from my old friends was easy but it took me a little effort to send them a text or give them a call. The birthday became special not because of the surprise cake but for the reason that everyone important remembered to wish me. The handwritten letters delivered to me by a bestie was the best medium of communication and not facebook. Dating is a good thing :) The best way to avoid an argument was to keep my mouth shut and forgiveness could strengthen relations. Keeping busy was necessary to keep myself from overthinking and eventually sulking about everything. I hope the new year makes life less troublesome and more fun :P

Gone with the wind,

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