
¥ 5 Things I'm afraid of ¥

It is undeniable that we all hold some sort of fears that haunt us in some way or the other. I'm putting down my list of fears right here...

1. Reptiles
“Snakes, lizards, crocs- They all petrify me. There is this feeling of creepiness that penetrates my body whenever I happen to see them on television or anywhere. It's not only their deadly appearance that freaks me out but they are also venomous and can take life out of you. Even a tiger or panther looks magnificent though they are man-eaters! But reptiles, they have never fascinated me and I fear them badly! “ 

2. Death
“They say death is inevitable and I'm aware of it yet I want to live forever. Life can be disappointing and may look atrocious at times but I still don't wish to surrender to death. Because battling all adversities of life make a way for you to grow stronger mentally. The painful phase fades away some day or the other only when we hold on.On the other hand, Life is marvelous; it shows you winsome colors of love, faith and affection. Family, friends and gurus beautify your life. Since I love life more, I'm liable to hate death, hence fear it.” 

3. Ghosts
“Most of the people don't believe in their existence but I do. According to me, if good exists then so does evil. If God exists, Ghosts exist too. Science says that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, in the same way, positive and negative energies are always balanced in nature. There's a field called paranormal studies that explains the phenomena of supernatural. This is the reason I believe not only in their existence but also fear them. I can confront any animal or person but I'd never want to encounter a ghost. Even their slightest thought gives me Goosebumps.”

4. Heartbreak
“I wish I was not as gullible as I am. I trust people so easily that when it breaks, it aches. Sometimes we just want people to be trustworthy so that it never strikes us that we are taking a chance conferring our trust upon them. And I've experienced this miserable feeling of breaking of trust. Therefore, I fear falling in love because I don't want to experience the same feeling again, because when a heart breaks, it's more afflictive. Hence I want just the right person for me, no one else!”

5. Morons
“I've wondered as to what is it that keeps me going even through toughest times and now I found the answer, it was always a positive attitude that helped me fight back most of the troubles. Even a smile can energize you effectively while resolving a problem. It's true that "one fails only when he stops trying" but this adage doesn't apply for morons (people who love to be sad). I've learnt that they are inconsolable. It's amazing how they start believing that failure is their fate. I seriously fear them the most. “ 

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