
♯ Haircuts - Shopping - Joblessness ☼

So finally, I can just feel the days dragging by with me not much left to do. I sleep nine hours a day now, if I count in the afternoon naps, then a sleep of total eleven hours. A month passed by and I have caught myself only lazying around like a snail most of these days. Now I feel like going back to the university but there is one more month to kill. I do not have a full proof plan of how I am going to survive this month. But let us see how much productive I will be this time.

Getting a haircut is the first thing on my list and going for shopping is the last one. Summers did lure me to get my hair cut short because the heat is unbearable and my head gets oily and sweaty every time I exercise and I cannot shampoo my hair everyday so getting a haircut would lift the burden of hair-care which I'm pretty bad at. And yeah, going to break hearts again for I know that people love to see me in long hair. But it is worth it since all the sports activities will commence again in the next semester  and I will be the first one to jump up giving my name for each sport on the spur of the moment. Take it from me, being a player as well as a pretty lass is not an easy task. It is definitely not my cup of tea. Though I could keep long nails while coming back home, I instinctively cut them short probably because I did not want to literally scratch my cousins accidentally while tickling or even bashing them sometimes :P Also to keep my touch-phone from scratches. I remember how once an older girl was caressing my face and ended up scratching my forehead accidentally, painful it was. I hated her at that moment- old and silly but one of the unforgettable memories. It is funny how some memories are forever embedded in our mind. Now since I am not keeping nails, I would get back to my favorite color nail-polish(for small nails) - Black. *Breaking the spell*, I think I got carried away. 

During the last month, I learnt a couple of things. Firstly, how we tend to treat our younger ones the same way we were treated when we were that young. I am like a big sister to my cousins but they always wonder why I do not act like one. I never wake up early, I never cooked food, I rarely help them with their homework, let alone projects. Some days, I am the one hopping around in the house the whole day singing the most random songs in Hindi and English and some days, I do not come out of my room at all. I am aware how much they hate me when I refuse to do their project drawings but that is how it was when I was their age. Daddie or my elder brother would never help me with my homework or drawings. So when it was about any of my school work, I would never rely on my elder brother or anyone for that matter. I still do not know whether they really wanted me to strive to do my homework or were just lazy to help me out with it. But yes, I turned out to be okay and topped most of the exams. So now if I do not help my cousins with their work, it is justified, I guess.*startled* 
     Secondly, if we love someone very close to us, it does not hurt to show them every once in a while or that person will be tired guessing and might feel unloved after a stage. And feeling unloved is one of the worst feeling on this planet. Let me give you an example, Parents. Their restrictions and regulations can get into the kid's head and mess with it. Sometimes, parents are stubborn and other times, we are. In the end, the child might take all of this in a wrong sense and feel ignored and unloved which ain't the truth but seem like it is. So, yes, if you love your loved ones, show them every now and then. Talk to them about their life and experiences, hug them once in a while, bring them gifts, leave them a small but sweet note, ask them for remarks and suggestions :) Show them love and they will love you even more. 

Enough with my wise words. Now I am signing out. Hope to see you soon. :) Buh Bye. Take Care.

Chatty and Charming,


  1. Please babysit my sister next summer. *begs* :(

  2. Bring her a coloring book and a drawing notebook, also colors, she'd love you and become an artist like your dad ;)


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